Hi I have finally finished ready for the preview of the online show which starts next sat 20th nov uk time 2pm
I have been busy creating some new design bears and am pleased to be able to preview
NOEL my xmas musical festive bear
He is a big 16 inch bear
musical singing silent night when you squeeze his hand, he is a heavy bear
NOEL is not available until the start of the showx
The hardest thing for me was choosing the bear for the preview,
There are 5 more bears in my show and i hope you will all take a peek next weekend.
Fitting in this show has been a pleasure as the show is the 1st online one i have paricipated in, and i am looking forward to seeing all the other beautiful creations from 74 other worldwide artists.
My theme for this years show i have tried to fit in, the festive xmas range, and some other wonderful creations.
I am also hoping to start doing regular show pages on my website throughout next year . The 1st being
Keeps me busy and creative.
Thanks Melissax